Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Age

Recently I've been very confused as to why things aren't playing out the way they have for all the generations before me. I realize now that this generation is a new kind of generation.

The way that we've lived, as humans this entire time has been used up, it's time to recycle, and we have for the most part. Our fashion, music, art, and political battles are all rehashes of the stuff that happened over the last 2,000 years.

I think we are the first generation in a line of people that will be part of the new age. We are the ones that will in this second age where we look out, to a species that lasts the test of time. If we fail, then the species will fail.

We are the ones that will live sustainable, recycle, and invent. We will be the ones to make human life last longer, and be better, and reusable.

Hopefully our children will continue this path, and they will be the first to step on Mars, build colonies and their children to build cities. Their children to move on to farther reaches.

One day there will be more people off Earth, than on it.

The most exciting part, everything we have done to this point is remembered and recorded, every piece of art, religion, and science that we have created is part of our legacy. Think of how proud we can be to be humans; we'll be able to show what we can do to anyone and anything we run into.

This is a long train of thought, but I figured I'd write it down today. I have so much more to say.

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